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Choral evensong

Choral evensong is led by The Blythburgh Singers, who enjoy singing church music and who meet on the first Sunday of the month to sing Choral Evensong under Music Director Ellis Bell.

For more details, please contact Helen Hudson on 01502 511546 or corystes15@gmail.com

Sunday 2 June, 6pm

Introit: O sing joyfully (Batten)
Responses: Smith
Psalm: 81 vv 1-10 (Drew)
Canticles: Tomkins 5th service
Anthem: Haec dies (Byrd)


Sunday 7 July, 6pm

Introit: Be still, my soul (Whitlock)
Responses: Clucas
Psalm: 123 (Barnby)
Canticles: Harwood in Ab
Anthem: Antiphon Let all the world (Vaughan Williams)


Sunday 4 August, 6pm

Introit: Ave verum (Stopford)
Responses: Rose
Psalm: 78 vv 23-29 (Bridge)
Canticles: Robin Orr Short Service
Anthem: In exitu Israel (S. Wesley)