The Cathedral of the Marshes
Choral evensong is led by The Blythburgh Singers, who enjoy singing church music and who meet on the first Sunday of the month to sing Choral Evensong under Music Director Ellis Bell.
For more details, please contact Helen Hudson on 01502 511546 or
Sunday 2 February 6pm Candlemas
Introit: When to the temple (Eccard)
Responses: Matthew Wood
Psalm 24 1-10 (Crotch)
Canticles: Noble in B minor
Anthem: Nunc Dimittis (Gustav Holst)
Sunday 2 March 6pm Sunday next before Lent
Introit: O nata lux (Tallis)
Responses: Joanna Forbes-Lestrange
Psalm 99 (Prosser)
Canticles: Orr Short Service
Anthem: Hail, gladdening light (Wood)