The Cathedral of the Marshes
Church Services in February
Sunday 2 February Presentation of Christ in the Temple/ Candlemas
6pm Choral evensong (click here for more details)
Sunday 9 February Fourth Sunday before Lent
11.15am Eucharist (Common Worship)
Sunday 16 February Third Sunday before Lent
9.30am Morning prayer (lay led)
Sunday 23 February Second Sunday before Lent
9.30am Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
Holy Trinity also hosts Compline via zoom each Thursday at 8.30pm. Please email Jenny Allen if you would like to be sent links for this.
One of the highlights of worship at Holy Trinity is our monthly choral evensong, led by the Blythburgh Singers under their Director Ellis Bell. Click here for a preview of the music to be used over the next few months
We are fortunate these services have been recorded over the last couple of years, and so we are able to bring you these recordings to enjoy in your own homes.
Choral evensong for the First Sunday of Lent, recorded on Sunday 1 March 2020. Click here to access the recording.
The pew sheet, which includes the text for the Introit and Anthem, may be found here.
Choral evensong for the Fifth Sunday of Lent, recorded on Sunday 7 April 2019. Click here to access the recording. Click here to access the pew sheet.
Sung Eucharist on the Third Sunday of Easter, recorded on Sunday 5 May 2019. Music from Schubert's Mass No 2 in G major. Blythburgh Singers together with an ensemble from Norwich Baroque. Click here to access the recording.
Choral evensong for the Seventh Sunday of Easter, recorded on Sunday 2 June 2019. Click here to access the recording. Click here to access the pew sheet.
Choral evensong for the Third Sunday after Trinity, recorded on Sunday 7 July 2019. Click here to access the recording. Click here to access the pew sheet.
Choral evensong for the Seventh Sunday after Trinity, recorded on Sunday 4 August 2019. Click here to access the recording. Click here to access the pew sheet.
Choral evensong for the Eleventh Sunday after Trinity, recorded on Sunday 1 September 2019. Click here to access the recording. Click here to access the pew sheet.
Choral evensong for the Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity, recorded on Sunday 6 October 2019. Click here to access the recording. Click here to access the pew sheet.
Choral evensong for All Saints Day, recorded on Sunday 3 November 2019. Click here to access the recording. Click here to access the pew sheet.